September 22, 2008

Promote Indie Band : Crispy Doesn't Play.

**Short Story About Crispy Doesn't Play :

We started at the begin of 2008, From Aridi (Guitarist) and Dimas (Guitarist) idea to made a band and then with dandy’s help as we have known before he is a vocalist for some metal band in Jakarta and now he is a vocalist in this band too and someone who will play a bass guitar in this band, and his name is Rizal, and we finished the formation with Aldo to playing the drum, but he's left this band because he have some personality problem. from now on drum he is Angga.

almost all of the song we’ve made are a story of life of each member of this band, as like “I PROMISE”, is one of our song was written by Aridi (Guitarist) and was dedicated to a girl who has had left him (hehehe), and the other song such as “MELANGKAH KEDEPAN” is a song written by Dendy (Vocalist) and Dimas (Guitarist) mean to strengthen our relationship among the member of the band, and walk to the fame and glory (success).

CRISPY DOESN’T PLAY” is the name of the band is the idea from Dendy (vocalist) and Aridi (Guitarist). WHY?? , because it sounds unique and catchy, Hopefully it will be easy to be remember. It will be a pleasure for us if our music is listened and accepted. What is a band where there is no listener . Deeply from our heart and love to show you our appreciation, we’ll do the best ! come , see, and support us at or :D


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**Band Members :

-Dendy (vocal & Body Surfer)
-Dimaz (guitar 1 & Head Bangers)
-Aridi On The Mix (guitar 2 & Worry about his Amply)
-Rizal (bass & Just laugh anyway)
-Angga (drum & percussion)

**Contact Person :

Nabil : +628568500320 (NO SMS)
myspace :
friendster :